Saturday, October 19, 2013

Familius Domestica

The day is warm; spring is finally getting its act together. An early flurry of activity has resulted in three loads of laundry flapping on the line, a big pot of beef and vegetable stew bubbling on the stove, and a red velvet cake in the oven. My husband is outside cutting back tree branches and mowing the grass; the big kids are playing Monopoly in their pyjamas at the dining room table. The 4 year old, dressed as a mermaid in her birthday-present costume, is playing an involved game with her dollies in her room.

And I, now that the washing and dishes are done and the dinner is cooking, am sitting in my sun-soaked loungeroom, cup of tea at hand, about to spend a little quality time with Kate Atkinson's Behind the Scenes at the Museum. We have nowhere to be until 2pm, when the girls and I are meeting friends at Werribee Mansion for a playdate. It's a molasses-taffy Saturday, rich and slow and homely, and I love it.

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