Friday, January 7, 2011

Lori of Random Ramblings of a SAHM

Lori of Random Ramblings of a SAHM posted last night some very bad news - her husband Tony is in intensive care, in a fight for his life. She, and their two young children, are devastated.

I only know Lori through her blog, the Aussie Mummy Bloggers network, and her online presence, but the warmth and humour that she projects in her writing is palpable, and her love for her family is obvious and vast. I cannot imagine what she's going through right now.

I'm hoping and praying today for a good outcome for Lori, Tony and their children. The hat is being passed around the Aussie Mummy Bloggers world too to try to offer some material assistance at this hard time. If you are able to contribute, and would like to, visit Multi Tasking Mummy Blogger at this link and make a donation. (I can't get the widget to work properly here).

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